Akende paigaldus, aurutõke, soojustus, heliisolatsioon, passiivmaja, energiasäästlik, liginullenergia, kulusäästlik, paigaldusraam, aknapaigaldusraam, Ψ-väärtus,, klima konform, triotherm,


ISO-TOP FLEX-ADHESIVE WF is a high-quality, neutral, single-component, permanently flexible adhesive on a hybrid polymer basis, specially developed for gluing the ISO-TOP WINFRAMER in front of wall installation system.


  • tension-free structural adhesion of in front of wall installation system ISO-TOP WINFRAMER
  • sealing and gluing applications for the corner connection


  • windows can be fitted into the outer thermal insulation level
  • integrated thermal insulation core (system brackets)
  • simple adjustment of length using standard mitre saws
  • reduction of structure-related thermal bridges
  • simple installation thanks to the convenient insertion system
  • certified Passive House component phB
  • complies with EnEV requirements and the recommendations of the RAL “installation guide”
  • can be combined with the system products of the ISO3-WINDOW SEALING SYSTEM
  • Can be plastered over directly
  • 10 year performance guarantee*

*On the conditions of the manufacturer (available upon request).


ISO-TOP FLEX-ADHESIVE WF usually requires no primer and still has outstanding adhesive properties on numerous surfaces including aerated concrete, vertical coring bricks, limestone, sandstone, concrete, polystyrene and timber.

The adhesive surfaces must have a sufficient load-bearing capacity and be clean, dust- and grease-free. Dry surfaces are particularly suitable; the best adhesive values are achieved here.

ISO-TOP FLEX-ADHESIVE WF nakkub ka niiskete pindadega kuid mitte sama tugevalt kui kuivade ja puhaste pindade korral. Siiski, poorsed ja liigniisked pinnad, nagu näiteks poorbetoon, tuleks eelnevalt katta ISO-TOP BLUE PRIMER emulsiooniga.

It is advisable to carry out an adhesion and compatibility test on any surface before
starting work. Curing is effected by air humidity at room temperature and takes place from outside to inside, slowing as time progresses. At low temperature and / or low humidity, the curing process is slowed significantly.

To glue ISO-TOP WINFRAMER, apply 2 beads of 6 x 6 mm each. One cartridge results in a bead length of approx. 10 m (thus sufficient for gluing approx. 5 m ISO-TOP WINFRAMER).

DIN EN ISO 11600

Technical data Standard Classification
Colour white
Base 1 – component hybrid polymer
Consistence   Paste
Density   approximately 1,67 g/ml
Curing process   polymerisation through humidity at room temperature
Skin forming   approximately 10 min
Curing speed*   approximately 2 to 3 mm / 24 h
Shore A hardness DIN 53505 40 ± 5
Temperature stability range   -40°C to +90°C
Re-expansion capacity ISO 7389-B > 75 %
Maximum permissible total deformation 20%
Elasticy module 100 % DIN EN ISO 8339 0.75 N/mm²
Tensile strength DIN 53504 1,8 MN/mm²
Tensile shear strength
(Surface: AlMgSi1 / Layer thickness: 2mm /
Feed speed: 10mm per min.)
DIN 53504 0.9 N/mm²
Elongation at break DIN 53504 750%
Change in volume DIN EN ISO 10563 -3 to -4%
Building material class DIN 4102 B2
Handling temperature   +0°C (frost-free) up to +40°C (temperature of adhesive surfaces)
+0°C (frost-free) up to +35°C (temperature of adhesive surfaces)
Shelf life %20 12 months, dry and in original packing
Storage temperature   +5°C to +25°C
* Measured according to standard climate DIN EN ISO 291 at 23 °C / 50 % RH. These values may vary depending on environmental factors such as
temperature, moisture and type of substrates.


Further information on product safety and handling can be found in the notes on the sales container and in the usage guidelines for ISO-TOP WINFRAMER.


Carton of 12 tubes (600 ml)


ISO-TOP EASYPRESS for efficient processing

Akende paigaldus, aurutõke, soojustus, heliisolatsioon, passiivmaja, trio, energiasäästlik, liginullenergia, kulusäästlik, paigaldusraam, paigaldusraam, kliima, climate, klimats, klimata, Ψ-väärtus,
Installation example: ISO-TOP FLEX-ADHESIVE WF

Details and information presented in this document are based on the best knowledge available at the time. They are intended for general information purposes, and it is recommended that users conduct their own tests under their specific conditions to ensure the product’s suitability for its intended use. No definitive guarantee or liability can be given regarding the details or the absolute completeness of the information provided in these guidelines. We reserve the right to improve or modify technical specifications and information without prior notice.