Akende paigaldus, aurutõke, soojustus, heliisolatsioon, passiivmaja


ISO-PROFIL FILLER STRIPS are profile cut strips of highquality PE foam material. They are used in metal and industrial building structures to seal and insulate trapezoidal and wave profile sheets. They have the optimum form to match a wide range of European manufactured trapezoidal and corrugated metal sheeting.


ISO-PROFIL FILLER STRIPS are specially designed for the reliable and durable sealing of trapezoidal and corrugated metal sheeting, with additional heat and sound insulation. They are used for sealing applications in roofing (roof ridge, eaves) as well as for facades (parapet connections).


  • Exact fit and dimensions for every trapezoidal sheet
  • Fine cells with a consistent smooth surface
  • Permanently elastic as well as having form stability
  • Environmentally friendly – chemically neutral
  • Available with UV-resistant aluminium lamination
  • Fire protection class B2, B1 as a special property
  • Two-coloured for increased flexibility when installing
  • Conforms to the requirements of the new IFBS-guideline for joint tightness on lightweight steel constructions
  • High and regularly examined product quality


  • Standard profiles available at short notice
  • Special profiles on request
  • Product delivery direct to the building site
  • Commercial and technical consultation


  • approx. 30 mm or approx. 50 mm


Shelf life: 2 years, dry and in original packing

Storage temperature: +1°C to +20°C

Finishes *

Standard models

two-coloured anthracitewhite, for a reliable and durable sealing of trapezoid and wave profiles on building constructions

Filler strips 3

Special colour

in anthracite or white as an alternative colour variety, should a single colour play a special roll on an installation

Filler strips 4

Aluminium laminated

an additional protection against UV radiation and for a higher ageing resistance

Filler strips 7

Self adhesive

with butyl tape to simplify assembly and as additional sealing

Filler strips 5

Ventilation vents

to improve the ventilation of air in building constructions

Filler strips 8

Class B1 material

in anthracite or white, 20 mm thick special foam for buildings with higher fire protection requirements

Details and information presented in this document are based on the best knowledge available at the time. They are intended for general information purposes, and it is recommended that users conduct their own tests under their specific conditions to ensure the product’s suitability for its intended use. No definitive guarantee or liability can be given regarding the details or the absolute completeness of the information provided in these guidelines. We reserve the right to improve or modify technical specifications and information without prior notice.